Hacettepe University
Leading Partner
Sand fly sampling collection
Sampling locations:
Adana (Otluk, Damyeri, Zerdali) Ankara (Gudul, Yesiloz)
Adana: Endemic for CL Historical temporal data available
Ankara: Sand fly fever activity.
Sand fly data collection
- April-November (2nd/3rd week of the month)
- 14 CDC traps/night/month
Otluk: 4 CDCs, Damyeri: 5 CDCs, Zerdali: 5 CDCs - Inside/Outside animal enclosures
- 14 data loggers & 1 Ubibot (Damyeri)
- June-November (2nd/3rd week of the month)
- 11 CDC traps/night/month
Gudul: 5 CDCs, Yesiloz: 6 CDCs - 11 data loggers & 1 Ubibot (Gudul)
- Inside/Outside animal enclosure