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Trapping site 2: Turkey

Hacettepe University
Hacettepe University

Leading Partner

Sand fly sampling collection

Sampling locations:
Adana (Otluk, Damyeri, Zerdali) Ankara (Gudul, Yesiloz)
Adana: Endemic for CL Historical temporal data available
Ankara: Sand fly fever activity.

Sand fly data collection

  • April-November (2nd/3rd week of the month)
  • 14 CDC traps/night/month
    Otluk: 4 CDCs, Damyeri: 5 CDCs, Zerdali: 5 CDCs
  • Inside/Outside animal enclosures
  • 14 data loggers & 1 Ubibot (Damyeri)
  • June-November (2nd/3rd week of the month)
  • 11 CDC traps/night/month
    Gudul: 5 CDCs, Yesiloz: 6 CDCs
  • 11 data loggers & 1 Ubibot (Gudul)
  • Inside/Outside animal enclosure

Traps used to catch sand flies

The insects are captured with CDC light traps, mouth aspirators, inside/outside animal enclosures, and in houses.
Afterward they are transferred to the Eppendorf tubes containing 70% EtOH (labeled by date, location, and the trap number). Store at – 20 °C.

Image credits: © Hacettepe University

Sand fly collection and analysis

Hacettepe University collects live specimens by transferring them to the rearing pots (labeled by date, location, and trap number), keeping them cool and in humid conditions. Store at – 80 °C in the lab.
Hacettepe University collects dead specimens by transferring them to the Eppendorf tubes containing 70% EtOH (labeled by date, location, and trap number). Store at – 20 °C in the lab.

Image credits: © Ayda Yilmaz, Hacettepe University

Adlerius spp Far_AY
Ph. Major s.l. female Sperm_AY
Ph. Major s.l. male Gen_AY
Ph. Simici male Gen_AY
Ph. Tobbi female
Ph. Tobbi male Gen_AY

Preliminary results

Specimen processing & pooling for temporal sand fly data collection:
  • Dissection: On a cool surface
  • Identification: Morphological, and molecular techniques if necessary
  • Pooling: up to 30 specimens trap/species/sex/date for pathogen detection
  • Individual processing for blood-fed females

Temporal sand fly data collection, Adana 2023

Sand fly activity started in May, a few specimens in November.

  • Ph. tobbi is the dominant species.

  • Pools: 1 – 30 individuals.

  • A total of 138 pools for pathogen screening

Temporal sand fly data collection, Ankara 2023

  • Ph. major s.l. is the dominant species.
  • Ph. papatasi, Ph. perfiliewi, Ph.tobbi and Se. dentata also occurs.
  • Pools: 1 – 30 individuals.
  • A total of 38 pools for pathogen screening
  • Corum: Ph. perfiliewi s.l. (n=7), Ph. tobbi (n=1), females
  • Nevsehir: All traps positive, > 1000 specimens