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CLIMOS submitted one of its first deliverables

CLIMOS submitted one of its firsts deliverables (1)
CLIMOS completed the first deliverable which reflects the planned communication and dissemination activities of the project.

A communication and dissemination plan is an essential part of any project or program. It is a document that outlines the strategies and tactics that will be used to share information and promote the project or program to the targeted audience. The goal of a communication and dissemination plan is to ensure that the information is delivered to the right people, at the right time, and in the right format. This is an enhanced statement in the case of CLIMOS where a good share of the project efforts lies in these activities.

The strategy answers the following questions: “what, when, to whom and how?”. It answers these questions ensuring a successful dissemination and communication throughout the project, detailing to partners a strategy that all can follow, pick from and complete, to increase outreach and engage audiences. The strategy includes a list of the project target groups together with detailed actions on how to effectively reach them. This includes, for example, which tools and distribution channels should be used, with which expected objectives and impacts, such as the project website and the social media accounts.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and evaluation mechanisms, as well as modus operandi were also detailed. The plan also includes the approach to follow regarding events and workshops to be organized by CLIMOS consortium, as well as some guidelines to help partners report external events, list events and conferences/ congress they plan to attend and disseminate CLIMOS, allowing reaching the project communications’ objectives.

Finally, the strategy included the project identity and guidelines, to ensure a better recognition and visibility for the project and to be used throughout all the project’s communication on/for all materials and outputs. This report is subject to modifications and updates in line with the project progress and the experience that will be gathered through the various project activities. The strategy will be continuously reviewed in specific time intervals to account for any challenge or opportunity that may arise.